Sunday, 26 March 2017

Open Week


Mon 27 March – Sat 1 April

Monday:         Spinning/Knitting    9.30am-12noon
                        Miniature Making    12.30-4.00pm

Tuesday:        Painting                    9.30am-12noon
                        Spinning/Knitting    7.30-9.30pm

Wednesday:   Porcelain Art            9.00am-12noon        

Thursday:      Embroidery               9.30-11.30am 
                       Quilting                      1.00-3.00pm

Friday:           Weaving                    10.00am-12noon
                       Card Makers Plus    12.30-4.00pm

Saturday:      Painting                     10.00am-12.30pm
all visitors VERY Welcome!

Groups Timetable

The following timetable shows the days and times of all the groups.  All visitors and new members are always very welcome.


Spinning/Knitting          Monday                      9.30am - 12 noon
                                     Tuesday                     7.30pm - 9.30pm       
Kapiti Miniatures          2nd and 4th Monday    12.30pm - 4.00pm    
Painting                        Tuesday                     9.30am - 12 noon     
                                      Saturday                    10.00am – 12.30pm 
Porcelain Art                Wednesday               9.00am - 12 noon     
Weaving                       2nd Wednesday          1.30pm - 4.30pm      
                                      4th Friday                    10.00am - 12 noon
Embroidery                  Thursday                    9.30am - 11.30am    
Quilting & Patchwork   Thursday                    1.00pm - 3.00pm      
Card-Making Plus        Friday                         12.30pm - 4.00pm    

For all enquiries and hall bookings please phone: 027 448 3635,              

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

A big hello... from the Spinning, Knitting and Crochet groups - aka 'Thread Arts'

Summer (ok what summer) doesn't seem to deter the spinning, knitting and crochet group (SKC) from working those wheels and needles.

2017 started very well with our group hosting a morning tea for the whole society on 27 February. It was very successful.

There are two SKC groups, the first on Monday morning starting at 9.30am. The second group is on Tuesday evening starting at 7.30pm mainly for those who can't attend the SKC group during the day. These groups are great for those just starting out and for sharing ideas.  One subscription allows members to join any of the groups within the Waikanae Arts and Crafts Society. 

We always need new members so come along and join the merry crafters.