Friday, 8 November 2019

New Sewing and Dressmaking Class for All Levels

From Tuesday 12th November, 1.30 - 3.30pm, and 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each 
month, a sewing/dressmaking group will meet in our clubrooms.
This is more of a discussion group, sharing ideas and learning … you don’t need to bring your machine with you.  But you will need your pins, scissors and sewing kit.

Bring along pictures of garments you would like to sew and we can discuss how to put them together.  Many of the latest Vogue styles and garments seen in the latest movies are just the same style repeated with modern fabrics.

We will discuss where to buy fabrics, patterns etc. - Newtown is a hot bed of Op Shops filled with sewing supplies.

We can also talk about what suits your figure type ……

Sarah Jobson
(contact by email –